Sunday, February 5, 2012


Caleb, 2/4/12, The Gardens, f/6.3, 1/80, CanonPowershotELPH500HS For This shot I spot removed all blemishes, brushed even skin tone, and whitened teeth.

BigCheese, 2/4/12, The Gardens, f/8.0, 1/80, CanonPowerShot,ELPH500HS For Breanne I spot removed all blemishes and then added color from her scarf to her lips. I brushed her skin tone even and then added color into her earrings.
Group Activity, 2/4/12, Benson parking lot, f/8.0, 1/80, CanonPowerShot,ELPH500HS. Only editing I did for this picture was to make it black and white.
Environment, 2/4/12, Snow Black Box, f/ 5.8, 1/60, CanonPowerShot,ELPH500HS I put in a level and turned the exposure up and made the picture a little warmer.
Full, 2/4/12, Gardens, f/7.1, 1/80, CanonPowerShot,ELPH500HS I cut this image down so there was less of everything else and more of her.
Laughing couple, 2/4/12, f/8.0, 1/80, CanonPowerShot,ELPH500HS I did a lot with this image trying to smooth out her complexion but leave the color in her cheeks. There are a few spots where that didn't work so well for a reason I could not figure out. I softened the bright light on them, smoothed the complexion with the brush tool, took color from her scarf and added it to her lips, whitened her teeth, and added the color back to her earring.

Bright Light, 2/4/12, The Gardens, f/5.8, 1/80, CanonPowerShot,ELPH500HS
Here I added color to her eyes and brushed her skin even and then whitened her teeth.

 These are my friends Breanne and Caleb who were so kind to let me take pictures of them. They are not actually a couple they had me take couple shots so that they could prank a mutual friend who is on her mission. That is why I was able to get so many fun shots of them laughing. They were super uncomfortable with standing so close to each other.

1 comment:

  1. The thing I really like about your portraits is that you really tried to vary the angles and make them very interesting. You have a variety of different shots and they all looks pretty good!
