Saturday, January 14, 2012

Blends and Type

Cracked Texture
Type: for this edit I took this picture of the couch outside of sammy's and added the cracked texture which is actually a picture of a decorative bowl. I used the same blend techniques used in the blend edit and then added another layer for text.

For the blend I took the bark texture and selected the grain with the most contrast and added it over the picture of the wall with the words. I took the opacity down to 30% and put the blend option on hard light.


  1. Bonnie,
    I enjoyed your post. I liked how you blended the couch picture with the cracked paint picture. This was a good choice of pictures to blend and it looked very nice blended together. I also liked your text on this picture. It was subtle but reflected the relaxed nature of the picture. Your color study of red was well chosen too. I think you have a good eye for different angle shots. Good job!

  2. Bonnie, I liked all your color study and blending shots. My favorite is the couch and the texture you used. First, the angle of the shot is really good. Second, the texture goes a long really well with the rest of the picture especially the brick wall behind the couch. Nice photos.
